Went out to lunch on last last Monday or something. I only had time today to write this so me and Raeanna wanted to try WildFlower.

Apple Cinnamon Braised Pork Belly ($12)

Raeanna's Main: Roasted Butternut Squash Ravioli

Fruit Dessert: Grilled Pineapple and Pear with Amareno Sour Cherry Tart with a Lavender Blackberry Creme Brulee. ($12)

Raeanna's Pain Perdu: Brioche with pan-roasted apples with stone fruit a la mode ($10)
I do not get the concepted with cooked fruit, it just does not make me want you. Haha...the presentation here was fun and whimsical and the stand out was the brioche. The brioche which tasted like light pancakes along with the vanilla bean ice cream was just delicious. I wanted JUST that! and nothing else matters. It was heavenly.
It was quite good but the beef could have been better, the dressing was familiar but I could not for the life of me pinpoint the familiar taste. I miss arugula so much and I'm glad to have it here...have to know where you can get it!

My appetizer acting as my main. I wanted a place to make a braise pork belly and I found one here. The dish was ligh and refreshing, however I just the pork belly could have been more braised. So braised that it would melt in my mouth so that belly did not lived up to my expectations. Raeanna says it was Asian flavored but I think she has a bias when it comes to pork belly or pork in general.

Raeanna's Main: Roasted Butternut Squash Ravioli
I'm not a fan of Squash Ravioli but Raeanna is always in the mood to try them. The presentation was okay, but the sauce and the ravioli reminds me too much of Shaw food, so I wasn't too fond of that.

I personally do not like fresh fruit and it taken to be grilled since to me it takes away its original flavor. Though it was not great, it was ok. The tart was very sour, the tart was good but the sour cherry was too much of a contrast in taste, and my tastebuds did not agree. But the real winner was the Cream Brulee. The Lavender flavor was very strong and surprisingly appealing and refreshing, I could pick up or remember the Blackberry flavor but the Lavender was the winner in this dish.

I do not get the concepted with cooked fruit, it just does not make me want you. Haha...the presentation here was fun and whimsical and the stand out was the brioche. The brioche which tasted like light pancakes along with the vanilla bean ice cream was just delicious. I wanted JUST that! and nothing else matters. It was heavenly.