I was so glad I had the chance to catch up with Vanessa, working nurse in Winnipeg! It's been a year since I last seen her and we had so much to catch up on!
So funny story: As I went out to catch the bus, as I got on, it started to pour! Hard! and I was wearing a skirt!! Good thing by the time I got downtown, it started to lighten up a bit. And I saw this restaurant open as I past so I right then decided on Tzin Wine and Tapas because it was open when I wanted it to!! Finally!!!
It was so cool they had an open kitchen, I was getting more and more hungry as the aromatic flavors filled the small but intimate place.

I got glass of the Late Harvest Muscat from Australia, our waitress recommended it because I wanted a sweet white wine. Man! It was so sweet that it tasted just like juice, and Vanessa really liked her red wine too! But beware, one glass got me buzzed real good, lol, maybe because I can't hold my alcohol these days!

Creamy Chili Prawns ($17)
Pan Seared, Finished with Cream & Warm Chilies
I wanted to try this dish since the start of summer, and finally I did. And it sure did blow me away. It wasn't too spicy but could be, but it was just magic as I tasted it. LOL, I never use big or bold words to describe a dish but this deserves them all. It was so flavorful, so creamy and the shrimp was cooked to perfection! haha. I want a bowl just to myself!

Bourbon Ribs
The ribs were also really good too, but against the chili prawns, it was no match! A good portion to share and perfect to eat with hands!

There was this sweet couple from Toronto sitting next to us and when they saw me whip out my camera to take pictures of my food, they asked if I wanted to take a picture of theirs...LOL, and I did! Their food looked and smelled amazing too, they had the Baked Four Cheese Pasta Shells with Spinach, Ricotta & Blend of Italian Cheeses, New Zealand Lamb, and Scallops with Chorizo. They too felt the food tasted amazing and I think they too were a bit buzzed since they were sharing a whole bottle between themselves...CRAZY!!

The most random, and bizarre part of our night: outside the window, we saw a real "saboring" of a champagne bottle outside in the alley. I went outside to take some shots and it was cool, I didn't realize that the bottle was sliced!

After dinner, me and Vanessa were a tipsy and giggly and walk around. We wanted to go to this coffee shop but it closed at 9PM, and it was 10 mins to 9. This guy invited us in, but he was just a customer and I think he wanted to talk to Vanessa. Anyways they were having these really cool Green Tea Latte with Green Latte Art and I was blown away! and I took some shots...hehe! In the end, since that coffee shop was closing we just headed to Second Cup for some coffee and spent some more time to chat and settle down. Wonderful and fun filled night with a great friend, great food and great conversation!
Love Growing Up!!
Tzin Wine and Tapas
10115 104 Street Northwest
Edmonton, AB T5J 0Z9
(780) 428-8946
So - you liked the shrimp better than the ribs - is that what you are saying? Just curious.